Tuesday, 15 May 2018

What is the origin of Illuminati (Secret Society)?


(Secret Society)

Illuminati refers to the secret society, which means the people in this society doing secret activities to rule the world. Illuminati still myth and there is no real evidence to prove this is real.

At the 18th century, Germany was a Christianity based nation and the people have strong faith on their religion. During this period a professor Adam thought that these beliefs are not related to science and nature and it will not make people think rational and it control the world with the superstitions.

So he started a society, the purpose of this society is to people think and speak rationally and it was named with his own name as Adam society. Then due to some religious threatens he changed the name to Illuminati. Around 1200 people in Bavaria joined this society and this is the first and original Illuminati society and they are called as Bavarian Illuminati.

During this period, the government turned against this Illuminati, and the initiator of this society Adam escaped from the German government, after that Bavarian Illuminati collapsed.

But after that, Illuminati made vibrations along the world and it makes lots of confusions and commotions. Due to these confusions Illuminati still alive till now.

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